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Clothing, art and story are things I've been fascinated with and passionate about my entire life, it seems. A rural childhood enabled endless hours of creativity, delving into the imagination with dress-ups, drama, drawing and paint.

Studies in Fine Art and Art Theory (COFA UNSW) and Fashion Design (The Whitehouse Institute of Design, Sydney) were followed by the creation of my eponymous fashion label. An abiding interest in the language of clothing as an expression of character rather than the merely aesthetic led to subsequent study at the Australian Film, Television and Radio School, where I achieved a Master's in Costume Design for Screen.

I have since worked as a Costume Designer and Stylist on over 15 short films, numerous Commercials, and music videos, as well as in the Costume Departments in many notable feature films and TV series.


The exploration of a character through clothing and costume never fails to excite me.

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